Bead Society Of Greater Washington Yale Peabody Museum Council on Archaeological Studies at Yale University
Beads of the World - The Collection of the Bead Society Stored at the Yale Peabody Museum

Kristina Guild

"My research investigates the complexities of human-environment interaction at coastal archaeological sites in southwest Madagascar. In particular, I study human decision-making and social processes in contexts of resource scarcity, plant and animal extinctions and unpredictable climatic conditions.  For the last four years I have directed the Morombe Archaeological Project, with funding from the National Science Foundation, the Philanthropic Education Organization and Yale’s Institute of Biospheric Studies and Council on Archaeological Studies. The project combines regional survey with excavations near the modern Vezo fishing village of Andavadoaka. I based my project around Andavadoaka because the region presents an excellent opportunity to study the evolution of human-environment dynamics in the past within a rich context of present-day conservation initiatives and research."