Yale Scholars
Richard Burger
In 1985 Richard Burger was carrying out investigations at Chavin de Huantar, a site in the northern highlands of Peru famous for its imposing temple and exquisite stone sculpture.
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Peter Coutros
In what is now the parched landscape of northern Senegal, where sandstorms sweep across the landscape, and temperatures routinely reach 104°F (40°C), diverse bands of environmental refugees once found asylum beginning around 1000BC.
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Dr. Thomas R. Fenn
Dr. Fenn has been working with ancient glass remains from archaeological sites, much of which comprises glass beads, for more then a decade. His initial research utilized glass beads to examine 1st millennium to early 2nd millennium AD contacts between sites in sub-Saharan West Africa and the greater Mediterranean, Southwest and South Asia.
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Jamie Inwood & Gabriel Prieto
This project aims to elementally characterize a series of beads excavated from the archaeological site of Pampas Gramalote which is situated near the modern fishing village of Huanchaco in the Northeast coast of Peru.
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Kristina Guild
My research investigates the complexities of human-environment interaction at coastal archaeological sites in southwest Madagascar. In particular, I study human decision-making and social processes in contexts of resource scarcity, plant and animal extinctions and unpredictable climatic conditions.
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Michelle Young
In the Central Andes, the Early Horizon (c.900-200BC) marks a period of increasing social complexity and unprecedented interregional interaction, visible archaeologically through the widespread adoption of new technologies, shared stylistic elements, and religious imagery.
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Becky DeAngelo
I have had the pleasure of working with the bead collection since it arrived at the Peabody Museum in 2009. I continue to guide the integration of all of the donated beads into the Peabody's storage and cataloging systems. This project has been challenging, interesting, and full of beauty.
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